In the dead of night and with a light drizzle falling on the city of Albany, Blues and Skip, wearing their Skuldmen colors, wove in and out of traffic on their Harleys, side by side. They were oblivious to the people they passed in the cars around them. When they...
“Sitting together with Jimmie during a beer break later that day, Jake seized the opportunity to see if he could pick the one percenter’s brain a bit. “Interesting crew you have here.” “Nothing but the best. We’re one big family. We don’t exactly fit the image and...
“One Hundred and Nine Years Old” What a great ice breaker, no? That’s the line I drop whenever anyone asks me how old I am. When I was in my teens, I looked 30, when I was in my 30’s I looked like I was in my twenties. Now as I hover around the 1/2 century...
Little Jimmie picked up his patch from the back of the lawn chair he was sitting on. Treating the vest as if it were a religious icon, he showed the fire-breathing wolf on the back to Jake. “This may look like a rag to the walking dead out there, but to us it’s our...
Cameraderie, Group, Club, Gang, MC, From time to time we toss those phrases around to describe some of the reasons we ride. We join up to be with others who are supposed to be like us. We ride because we think differently than the rest of society. At least that is...